
This module implements the AWS Object used in CloudFormation template.

class cottonformation.core.model.Validators[source]

Why this class?

In cottonformation, the data model is highly based on attr library. It ships with lots of convenient built-in validators However, the data type has to be defined first to use in the attr.validators.instance_of method.

instance_of(inst, attr, value, type_)[source]

Don’t use this function with partial,

tag_key_or_value(inst, attr, value)[source]

Validate if value represents a resource tag value.

class cottonformation.core.model.TypeHint[source]

Constant value hosting class for typehint

class cottonformation.core.model.IntrinsicFunction[source]
class cottonformation.core.model.Resource(id: str, ra_CreationPolicy: str = _Nothing.NOTHING, ra_DeletionPolicy: str = None, ra_DependsOn: Union[str, Resource, Parameter, Mapping, Condition, List[Union[str, Resource, Parameter, Mapping, Condition]]] = _Nothing.NOTHING, ra_Metadata: dict = _Nothing.NOTHING, ra_UpdatePolicy: str = None, ra_UpdateReplacePolicy: str = None, ra_Condition: Union[_BooleanCondition, str] = None)[source]

The base class for all AWS Resources.

New in version 1.0.1.

property DependsOn: List[Union[str, cottonformation.core.model.Resource, cottonformation.core.model.Parameter, cottonformation.core.model.Mapping, cottonformation.core.model.Condition]]

Public API to access the dependencies AWS Objects.

ref() cottonformation.core.model.Ref[source]

Reference this Resource.

property tags_dict: collections.OrderedDict

Access the tag key value pairs as a Python dictionary.

classmethod support_tags() bool[source]

Return a boolean value to indicate that whether this AWS Resource type support tagging.

update_tags(tags: Dict[str, str], mode_skip: bool = False, mode_overwrite: bool = False, mode_raise: bool = False) Tuple[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, str]][source]

Update CloudFormation resource tags.

  • tags – key value tags in python dictionary

  • mode_skip – if the key already exists, then skip it

  • mode_overwrite – if the key already exists, then overwrite it with new value

  • mode_raise – if the key already exists, then raise error

serialize() dict[source]

Serialize the resource into CloudFormation JSON dictionary.

classmethod deserialize(data: dict)[source]

TODO: not implemented yet

class cottonformation.core.model.Parameter(id: str, Type: str, Default: Optional[str] = None, NoEcho: Optional[bool] = None, AllowedValues: Optional[List[Any]] = None, AllowedPattern: Optional[str] = None, MaxLength: Optional[int] = None, MinLength: Optional[int] = None, MaxValue: Optional[str] = None, MinValue: Optional[str] = None, Description: Optional[str] = None, ConstraintDescription: Optional[str] = None, DependsOn=_Nothing.NOTHING, value: Optional[Any] = None)[source]

Declare a CloudFormation parameter definition.


New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.Export(Name: Union[str, dict, cottonformation.core.model.IntrinsicFunction])[source]

The export value object for cross stack reference.


New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.Output(id: str, Value: Any, Description: Union[str, dict, IntrinsicFunction] = None, Export: _CountingAttr(counter=52, _default=None, repr=True, eq=True, order=True, hash=None, init=True, on_setattr=None, alias=None, metadata={}) = None, DependsOn=_Nothing.NOTHING)[source]

Declare a CloudFormation Output definition.

You can also explicitly define dependencies for output object.

New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.Tag(p_Key: Union[str, dict, IntrinsicFunction], p_Value: Union[str, dict, IntrinsicFunction, cottonformation.core.model.Parameter, ImportValue])[source]

The AWS Resource Tag object. Note that some AWS Resource use different data structure to define resource tags.

New in version 1.0.1.

classmethod make_many(dict_data: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs) List[cottonformation.core.model.Tag][source]

A factory method to make many tags.


dict_data – key value pairs of the tags.


list of tags

class cottonformation.core.model.Ref(param_or_res: Union[str, cottonformation.core.model.Parameter, cottonformation.core.model.Resource])[source]


New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.Base64(value: Union[str, dict, cottonformation.core.model.IntrinsicFunction])[source]


New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.Cidr(ip_block: Union[str, dict, cottonformation.core.model.IntrinsicFunction], count: Union[int, dict, cottonformation.core.model.IntrinsicFunction], cidr_bits: Union[int, dict, cottonformation.core.model.IntrinsicFunction])[source]


  • Fn::Cidr:

New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.FindInMap(map_name: Union[str, dict, cottonformation.core.model.IntrinsicFunction], top_level_key: Union[str, dict, cottonformation.core.model.IntrinsicFunction], second_level_key: Union[str, dict, cottonformation.core.model.IntrinsicFunction])[source]


  • Fn::FindInMap:

New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.GetAtt(resource: Union[str, cottonformation.core.model.Resource], attr_name: str)[source]


  • Fn::GetAtt:

New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.GetAZs(region: Union[str, dict, cottonformation.core.model.IntrinsicFunction] = '')[source]


New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.ImportValue(name: Union[str, dict, cottonformation.core.model.IntrinsicFunction])[source]


  • Fn::ImportValue:

New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.Join(delimiter: Union[str, dict, cottonformation.core.model.IntrinsicFunction, cottonformation.core.model.Parameter], list_of_values: List[Union[str, dict, cottonformation.core.model.IntrinsicFunction, cottonformation.core.model.Parameter, cottonformation.core.model.Resource]])[source]


  • Fn::Join:

New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.Sub(string: str, data: dict)[source]


>>> Sub("${project}-${env}", dict(project="my_app", env="dev")).serialize()
    "Fn::Sub": [
            "project": "my_app",
            "env": "dev",


  • Fn::Sub:

New in version 1.0.1.

classmethod from_params(f_string, *params: cottonformation.core.model.Parameter)[source]

A helper factory method to construct a Sub syntax from the popular positioning formatted string literals and multiple Parameter.

Sample usage:

>>> p_project_name = Parameter("ProjName", Type=Parameter.TypeEnum.String)
>>> p_stage = Parameter("Stage", Type=Parameter.TypeEnum.String)
>>> sub = Sub.from_params("{}-{}-main-ec2-instance", p_project_name, p_stage)
>>> sub.serialize() # the sub object is equavilent to
    "Fn::Sub": [
            "ProjName": {"Ref": "ProjName"},
            "Stage": {"Ref": "Stage"}
class cottonformation.core.model.Select(index, list_of_objects: Union[list, cottonformation.core.model.IntrinsicFunction])[source]


  • Fn::Select:

New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.Split(delimiter: Union[str, dict, cottonformation.core.model.IntrinsicFunction], source_string: Union[str, dict, cottonformation.core.model.IntrinsicFunction])[source]


  • Fn::Split:

New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.Mapping(id: str, DependsOn=_Nothing.NOTHING)[source]


New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.Condition[source]


New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.Equals(id: str, value_one: Union[cottonformation.core.model.AwsObject, Any], value_two: Union[cottonformation.core.model.AwsObject, Any], DependsOn=_Nothing.NOTHING)[source]

Compares if two values are equal. Returns true if the two values are equal or false if they aren’t.

  • value_one – the value can be generic value, Parameter / Resource, Reference of Parameter / Resource, Intrinsic Function.

  • value_two – same as value_one


New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.Not(id: str, condition: Union[cottonformation.core.model._BooleanCondition, dict])[source]

Returns true for a condition that evaluates to false or returns false for a condition that evaluates to true. Fn::Not acts as a NOT operator.


condition – can be an _BooleanCondition object, or a serialized dictionary view of a condition.


New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.And(id: str, conditions: List[Union[cottonformation.core.model._BooleanCondition, dict]], DependsOn=_Nothing.NOTHING)[source]

Logic And


conditions – can be list of _BooleanCondition object, or a serialized dictionary view of a condition.


New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.Or(id: str, conditions: List[Union[cottonformation.core.model._BooleanCondition, dict]], DependsOn=_Nothing.NOTHING)[source]

Logic Or


conditions – can be list of _BooleanCondition object, or a serialized dictionary view of a condition.


New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.If(condition_name: Union[cottonformation.core.model._BooleanCondition, str], value_if_true, value_if_false, DependsOn=_Nothing.NOTHING)[source]

Returns one value if the specified condition evaluates to true and another value if the specified condition evaluates to false.

If Condition should be used directly for value assignment.


New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.Rule(id: str, DependsOn: Union[str, cottonformation.core.model.Resource, cottonformation.core.model.Parameter, cottonformation.core.model.Mapping, cottonformation.core.model.Condition, List[Union[str, cottonformation.core.model.Resource, cottonformation.core.model.Parameter, cottonformation.core.model.Mapping, cottonformation.core.model.Condition]]] = _Nothing.NOTHING)[source]


New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.Transform[source]


New in version 1.0.1.

class cottonformation.core.model.ResourceGroup(id: str = '__never_exists__', DependsOn=_Nothing.NOTHING)[source]

A custom container to group multiple AwsObject together. So you can add / remove all item in resource group in one API call.

New in version 1.0.1.

cottonformation.core.model.get_key_value_dict(obj: attr._make.attrs) dict[source]

In serialization (convert object to dict data), since we are trying to unfold data in format of cloudformation, not the native python dict view. I don’t want attr.asdict automatically unfold the nested object in a way I don’t want.

cottonformation.core.model.remove_id_and_empty(dct: dict) dict[source]

In serialization (convert object to dict data), a common case is we ignore the id field and those key-valur pair having None value or empty collection object. This helper function does that.


>>> remove_id_and_empty({
...     "id": 1, # id field
...     "key": "good_key",
...     "good_value": False,
...     "bad_value": None,
...     "good_list": [1, 2, 3],
...     "bad_list": [],
...     "good_dict": {"a": 1},
...     "bad_dict": {},
... })
    "key": "good_key,
    "good_value": False,
    "good_list": [1, 2, 3],
    "good_dict": {"a": 1},
cottonformation.core.model.get_id(obj_or_id: Union[str, cottonformation.core.model.Parameter, cottonformation.core.model.Resource, cottonformation.core.model.Output, cottonformation.core.model.Rule, cottonformation.core.model.Mapping, cottonformation.core.model.Condition]) str[source]

Get the logic id string.

cottonformation.core.model.serialize(obj: Union[cottonformation.core.model.AwsObject, dict, Any]) Any[source]

A universal api that convert anything to json serializable python dictionary.

It is for CloudFormation template serialization.

cottonformation.core.model.eval(obj: Union[cottonformation.core.model.AwsObject, dict, str, Any]) Any[source]

A universal api that convert anything to an object that represent its value.

It is for referencing the “Value” of the object.